SUN:-  Rise 06:01   Set 21:12   Sun Image
MOON:-  Set 13:37   Rise 23:59   22 days old   57illuminated   Waning Gibbous  
Current Conditions:-

System Forecast:-
Cloud Base



Last station update

15:00:56  CEST

27.8 °C

0.2 °C/hr

High 29.6
@ 14:17

Low  18.1
@ 06:25

Apparent Temp        Heat / Chill
30.5 °C
Apparent TempHeat Index
High 33.2 High 43.4
@ 14:11 @ 14:32
Apparent TempWind Chill
Low 20.0 Low 18.1
@ 06:11 @ 06:25
1013.8 mb

0.1 mb/hr

High 1014.3
@ 09:09

Low  1012.4
@ 03:18

Wind Speeds

Speed (10 min average)

8 km/h

Gust (10 min average)

18 km/h

Today's Highest Gust
18  km/h
@ 14:35

Wind Speed
Wind Direction
Wind Rose
0.0 mm
Rate now 0.0 mm/hr
High rate today 0.0 mm/hr
Last 24 hrs 0.0 mm
Yesterday 0.0 mm
Storm rain 0.0 mm
This month 40.6 mm
This year 409.8 mm
67 %

High 92
@ 06:45

Low  57
@ 13:31

Dew Point
21.1 °C

High 21.5
@ 14:32

Low  16.4
@ 06:25

Solar Rad,   Sun Hours,   UV
Radiation 0 W/m2
~ 0 % of estimate
High 0 @ 00:00
Sunshine Hours 0.0
Bright Sun    --
(When 80% or more of estimate)
UV Index 0.0
High 0.0 @ 00:00

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