No data was retrieved for

Notice: Undefined index: in /home/laurentmp/www/weather28/wsIconUrl.php on line 132
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Il s'agit d'un problème de communication. Allez directement sur le site Meteoalarm : et vérifier les avertissements météorologiques..

Display key values and files

Website and PHP key information
Webserver OS Linux 5.15.41-ovh-vps-grsec-zfs-classid #1 SMP Thu May 19 07:42:04 UTC 2022 x86_64
PHP Version 5.4.45
Document root /home/laurentmp/www
allow_url_fopen on
allow_url_include off
Needed built-in PHP classes / functions
SimpleXMLElement ok
iconv ok
json_decode ok
curl_init ok
curl_setopt ok
curl_exec ok
curl_error ok
curl_close ok
highlight_file ok
GD support availability
GD Version bundled (2.1.0 compatible)
FreeType Support ok
FreeType Linkage with freetype
T1Lib Support not set
GIF Read Support ok
GIF Create Support ok
JPEG Support ok
PNG Support ok
Template settings
userChangeDebug true
userChangeLang true
mobileSite mobi/mobi.php
region europe
WXsoftware CU
Template free forecasts used
yrnoPage true
yahooPage true
Template key-based forecast used
wuPage true
hwaPage false
worldPage false
ewnID false
Check data-load.  Clicking on the link will retrieve the information based on your settings
EU weather warning
Yahoo current conditions & forecast
Yrno forecast
WU stations data . . .
Check data-load.  Clicking on the link will retrieve the information based on your settings. password needed to execute the links
WeatherUnderground forecast . . .
Checking directories / folders for write permissions
cache/ OK: try to write file - cache/printsite3_test.txt: writable - then deleted the test file.
uploadCU/ OK: try to write file - uploadCU/printsite3_test.txt: writable - then deleted the test file.

Vous trouverez notre info météo Également à:

UK Metoffice


Weather Underground

HAMweather, WeatherForYou, PWS Weather

Équipement que nous utilisons:

Station de Météo
WeatherDuino Pro2

Programme Météo

WeatherDuino Pro2
